Honors English III
1.  When Huck realizes Jim is homesick, he claims, “I do believe he cared just as much for his people as white folks does for their’n.  It don’t seem natural, but I reckon it’s so.”  What does this tell you about Huck’s character?  How does this epiphany Huck is having bring us closer to Twain's questioning of the morality of slavery?

2.  How does Chapter 28 illustrate growth on Huck's part as a character?  Use examples as evidence.

3.  How does Twain use humor as a balance to the serious moral questions that are raised?  Use examples as evidence!  (there are a few from what we have read in the novel so far, so I expect different examples to be used!!)

1.  When Huck realizes Jim is homesick, he claims, “I do believe he cared just as much for his people as white folks does for their’n.  It don’t seem natural, but I reckon it’s so.”  What does this tell you about Huck’s character?  How does this epiphany Huck is having bring us closer to Twain's questioning of the morality of slavery?

2.  How does Chapter 28 illustrate growth on Huck's part as a character?  Use examples as evidence.

3.  How does Twain use humor as a balance to the serious moral questions that are raised?  Use examples as evidence!  (there are a few from what we have read in the novel so far, so I expect different examples to be used!!)

1.  When Huck realizes Jim is homesick, he claims, “I do believe he cared just as much for his people as white folks does for their’n.  It don’t seem natural, but I reckon it’s so.”  What does this tell you about Huck’s character?  How does this epiphany Huck is having bring us closer to Twain's questioning of the morality of slavery?

2.  How does Chapter 28 illustrate growth on Huck's part as a character?  Use examples as evidence.

3.  How does Twain use humor as a balance to the serious moral questions that are raised?  Use examples as evidence!  (there are a few from what we have read in the novel so far, so I expect different examples to be used!!)

1.  Huck’s journey on the river is filled with adventures, but it is also a symbolic journey. What does his journey symbolize? How does his relationship with Jim tie in to the symbolism? Compare the symbolism of the shore to that of the river. Use examples from the novel and page numbers to support your view.

2.  What does Huck do at the end of chapter 15 that was surprising in the historical and social context of the book?  Why is this a turning point for Huck and Jim's friendship?  What do you think Twain is suggesting through this example?

3.  Contrast Jim's and Huck's reactions to the king and the duke.  Use specific examples as evidence.
1.  Huck’s journey on the river is filled with adventures, but it is also a symbolic journey. What does his journey symbolize? How does his relationship with Jim tie in to the symbolism? Compare the symbolism of the shore to that of the river. Use examples from the novel and page numbers to support your view.

2.  What does Huck do at the end of chapter 15 that was surprising in the historical and social context of the book?  Why is this a turning point for Huck and Jim's friendship?  What do you think Twain is suggesting through this example?

3.  Contrast Jim's and Huck's reactions to the king and the duke.  Use specific examples as evidence.
1.  Huck’s journey on the river is filled with adventures, but it is also a symbolic journey. What does his journey symbolize? How does his relationship with Jim tie in to the symbolism? Compare the symbolism of the shore to that of the river. Use examples from the novel and page numbers to support your view.

2.  What does Huck do at the end of chapter 15 that was surprising in the historical and social context of the book?  Why is this a turning point for Huck and Jim's friendship?  What do you think Twain is suggesting through this example?

3.  Contrast Jim's and Huck's reactions to the king and the duke.  Use specific examples as evidence.

1.  Huck and Tom are foils (characters that contrast each other). How does Tom represent the romantic ideals of literature and fiction? How does Huck represent the realist movement in literature? Use examples from the text to support your answer. This may be a lengthy answer.  THIS QUESTION MAY REQUIRE SOME RESEARCH ON YOUR PART--MAKE SURE YOU UNDERSTAND THE ROMANTIC AND REALIST MOVEMENTS BEFORE ANSWERING!

2.  Analyze Judge Thatcher’s reactions to Huck’s request to take his money. Why did the judge exchange one dollar for six-thousand dollars? Was he cheating Huck? Explain your answer, using textual clues to help your explanation.

3.  Miss Watson could sell Jim for eight hundred dollars. He, therefore, feels rich because he owns himself. Explain Twain’s use of satire (LOOK THIS TERM UP IF YOU ARE NOT SURE WHAT IT MEANS) in Jim’s statement. What was Twain’s attitude toward slavery in this passage? Explain your answer, using support from the text to provide proof for your opinion.
1.  Huck and Tom are foils (characters that contrast each other). How does Tom represent the romantic ideals of literature and fiction? How does Huck represent the realist movement in literature? Use examples from the text to support your answer. This may be a lengthy answer.  THIS QUESTION MAY REQUIRE SOME RESEARCH ON YOUR PART--MAKE SURE YOU UNDERSTAND THE ROMANTIC AND REALIST MOVEMENTS BEFORE ANSWERING!

2.  Analyze Judge Thatcher’s reactions to Huck’s request to take his money. Why did the judge exchange one dollar for six-thousand dollars? Was he cheating Huck? Explain your answer, using textual clues to help your explanation.

3.  Miss Watson could sell Jim for eight hundred dollars. He, therefore, feels rich because he owns himself. Explain Twain’s use of satire (LOOK THIS TERM UP IF YOU ARE NOT SURE WHAT IT MEANS) in Jim’s statement. What was Twain’s attitude toward slavery in this passage? Explain your answer, using support from the text to provide proof for your opinion.
1.  Huck and Tom are foils (characters that contrast each other). How does Tom represent the romantic ideals of literature and fiction? How does Huck represent the realist movement in literature? Use examples from the text to support your answer. This may be a lengthy answer.  THIS QUESTION MAY REQUIRE SOME RESEARCH ON YOUR PART--MAKE SURE YOU UNDERSTAND THE ROMANTIC AND REALIST MOVEMENTS BEFORE ANSWERING!

2.  Analyze Judge Thatcher’s reactions to Huck’s request to take his money. Why did the judge exchange one dollar for six-thousand dollars? Was he cheating Huck? Explain your answer, using textual clues to help your explanation.

3.  Miss Watson could sell Jim for eight hundred dollars. He, therefore, feels rich because he owns himself. Explain Twain’s use of satire (LOOK THIS TERM UP IF YOU ARE NOT SURE WHAT IT MEANS) in Jim’s statement. What was Twain’s attitude toward slavery in this passage? Explain your answer, using support from the text to provide proof for your opinion.