Honors English III
1.       All of the characters in The Scarlet Letter make mistakes. They all have their own agendas, and they all succumb at one point or another to human desires and fallacies. So who is the antagonist in The Scarlet Letter? Who is the chief villain that orchestrates the largest amount of trouble for the characters? If there isn't an antagonist, why?

2.       Look back at the character assigned to you.  Provide a complete character study on this character. What insight did you learn about the character, now that the novel is complete?  What significant actions/statements revealed character traits (physical, mental, personality, etc.) concerning your character?  Use examples to explain the character in detail.  This will serve as a study guide for your classmates. This will be a LONGER answer than what you have been doing!!!

  • Discuss the symbol of the scarlet letter; what does it signify? How does it function in the novel? How does its meaning change over time? What, besides “adultery,” can the A stand for in this story?
    Emily Clark
    3/6/2011 07:44:51 am

    Question 1

    The main antagonist is Chilingworth because he causes the most trouble for all of the other characters. He tries to seek revenge on Dimmesdale by using his sin as a mental torture for the preist. In doing this he puts guilt and sadness in the hearts of Hester and the minister. Through his actions Chilingworth makes life almost unbearable for all of the characters including himself.

    ryan smith
    3/6/2011 08:23:23 am

    question 1;

    I beleive the antagonist in the Scarlett Letter is Chillingsworth. When he finds out that Dimmesdale is the father of Hester's child, it is his mission to make Dimmesdale's life hell.Chillingsworth acts as a doctor to act as if he is helping Dimmesdale but in reality he is putting guilt into Dimmsdale's heart. He is doing all of this out of spite because he chose not to come to the new land with Hester and i beleive it is his fault that this all happened.

    Emily Clark
    3/6/2011 08:28:37 am

    Question 2

    Dimmesdale was the minister of the Puritan town. He is well respected in the town and seen as a rightous figure. On page 105 ""...Satan dropped it there, I take it, intending a scurrilous jest against your reverence. But, indeed, he was blind and foolish, as he ever and always is. A pure hand needs no glove to cover it!"" This quote shows their high praise for Dimmesdale. I learned that his actions forevered pained him refusing to loosen their grip. Through his action of adultery Dimmesdale showed his human desires. After committing his sin the clergyman begins to plummet. On page 76 "the young minister at once came forward, pale, and holding his hand over his heart" was the description of the priest. Dimmesdale seems to grow weaker and weaker. He is so overwhelmed with guilt that he begins to punish himself. In the book Dimmesdale burns the letter A on his chest and stands on the scafold at night as ways of punishing himself. Even though he lets himself waste away Dimmesdale is very wise and is able to refrain from telling the society that he is Pearl's father.

    ryan smith
    3/6/2011 08:35:00 am

    reply to emily; question 1

    I agree with Emily that Chillingsworht has caused the most trouble. He fills Hester and Dimeesdale's heart with guilt while also torturing Dimeesdale at the same time.

    Emily Clark
    3/6/2011 08:36:24 am

    Question 3

    The A signifies the sin of adultery that Hester has committed. In the novel it functions as a way to exile and punish Hester for the action that she committed. It is also used as a presedent for the others in the town. The meaning of the A changes over time as the symbol of Hester's strength to overcome the obsticals set from her sin. The towns people no longer look at the letter as one of evil but one of perserverence. I think that the A could stand for admirable.

    Emily Clark
    3/6/2011 08:39:55 am

    Reply to Ryan #1

    I agree with you that all of this is Chilingworth's fault. If he had come with Hester to the new world he could have kept the entire incedent from happening. It is also his fault because he admitted knowing that Hester could never truly love him.

    ryan smith
    3/6/2011 08:44:30 am

    continuence to reply; emily

    Dimmesdale did all this out of spite when he could have easily let it go. He showed his true colors and how immature he truely is.

    ryan smith
    3/6/2011 09:13:03 am

    question 3;

    The "A" is a symbol of adultery. Adultery is the crime that Hester Prynne commited so she had to where the letter A in shame. But as the story ended, the towns people began to recognize the "A" as a symbol of admiration and respectfulness. Hester used he sewing abilities to help the town and therefore the town had respect for her. Earlier in the book on page 55 it talks about all the different needs her sewing was used for like baby caps and the veil on a wedding dress.

    Ryan Smith
    3/6/2011 09:38:12 am

    question 2;

    Dimmesdale has had it rough. He secretly had a baby with a married woman and has been tortured everysince the woman's husband found out what happened.Dimmesdale was the minister of the town and in the end was chosen by Hester Prynne to move to Europe with her to start a new life. Dimmesdale was a very good man and just didn't know Hester had a husband. He loves his new daughter Pearl and eventually comes out and confesses his sin to the town.

    ryan smith
    3/6/2011 10:42:23 am

    reply to emily; question 2

    i agree with Emily on how Dimmesdale was treated. Eveyrone had respect for him and as the quote said"a pure man needs no glove to cover it". this shows he was a good clean hearted man who didnt try to cause problems. He cared for everyone. He also isnt scared to come out withe the truth. He burned the A on his chest to show he too commited adultery.

    ryan smith
    3/6/2011 11:00:04 am

    reply to emily; question 3

    I agree with Emily that the scarlett letter chnaged throuhgout the book. It startes as bad and fades into a good/respectful statement. Hester becomes very admirable in what she does in order to help the town.

    Abbey Byrd
    3/6/2011 11:41:28 pm

    Question 1

    The antagonist in The Scarlett Letter is Chillingworth. He lust revenge and makes Hester and Dimmesdale suffer by making them feel guilty and trying to force their secret out of Dimmesdale who is already a ill man. Chillingworth causes the most trouble. I feel like he is the most sinful and wrong character of them all because of the torture he makes Dimmesdale go through.

    Abbey Byrd
    3/6/2011 11:49:30 pm

    Reply to Emily- Q1

    I completely agree with you. Chillingworth is the antagonist in The Scarlet Letter. He does seek revenge and makes Hester and Dimmesdale have a lot of sadness and quilt. He did cause a lot of trouble in the book. I feel like Dimmesdale would still feel guilty and sad but if Chillingworth didn't use his sin against him then Dimmesdales feelings of guilt would not be as bad.

    Ashley Beckham
    3/7/2011 07:30:13 am

    Question 1:

    I believe that originally there wasn't an antagonist in the book. Hester committed adultery with Dimmesdale and she had to suffer publicly for it. Until Chillingworth reappeared in the book there wasnt really one main antagonist. After Chillingworth made his royal entrance and learned of the situation Hester was in he then became the main atagonist. He causes trouble for Hester by making her keep his identity a secret. He torutres Dimmesdale daily. "This diabolical agent had the Devine permission, for a season, to burrow into the clergyman's intimacy and plot against his soul." (pg. 85)

    Question 2:

    Hester Prynne was my character. Everyone knows shes been through heck and back. She was the one that got caught commiting adultery. Not Dimmesdale. She was publicly humiliated and through it all she kept her head up and didnt let anything stop her from living her life. She didnt need anyone else to help her survive. "Lonely as was Hester's situation, and without a friend on earth who dared to show himself, she, however incurred no risk of want." (pg.54) She loved her little Pearl too. She didnt care that Pearl was born a mistake in others eyes'. "God gave her into my keeping...I will not give her up!" (pg. 75) Hester was also very humble and didnt fight back or argue whenever the town would comment on her "A" or show her hostility. "In this matter of Hester Prynne, there was neither irritation nor irksomeness. She never battled with the public, but submitted uncomlainingly to its worst usage." (pg. 107)

    Question 3:

    The A signifies the sin of adultery in the novel. It functions in a way to isolate Hester for her sin and to warn others that you will be punished for your mistakes. The A starts off meaning shame and guilt but overtime it comes to show how strong Hester is and how determined she is to live her life. The A could also stand for able.

    Ashley Beckham
    3/7/2011 07:46:55 am

    Reply to Emily Question 1:

    I completely agree with your statement that Chillingworth makes life unbearable for most of the characters. He makes Hester hate him for torturing Dimmesdale. He makes Dimmesdale hate himmself. Even the town is suspicious of him. "Now there was something ugly and evil in his face..." (pg. 85)

    Reply to Abbey Question 1:

    I agree with what you said about Chillingworth being the most sinful of all the characters. His sin is different because it isnt a sin of passion like Hester's and Dimmesdale's was. His sin was planned. He saught revenge and he tortured Hester and Dimmesdale to get this revenge.

    Reply to Ryan Question 3:

    I agree with what you said about the A signifying to the town admiration and respectfulness. In the book one townsperson says, "Do you see that woman with the embroidered badge? It is our Hester - the town's own Hester- who is so kind to the poor, so helpful to the sick, so comfortable to the afllicted!" (pg 108)

    cara saxton
    3/7/2011 08:22:50 am

    I beleive the antagonist in the Scarlett Letter is Chillingsworth. When he finds out that Dimmesdale is the father of Hester's child, it is his mission to make Dimmesdale's life hell. Hester committed adultery with Dimmesdale and she had to suffer publicly for it. life hell.I believe that originally there wasn't an antagonist in the book.

    cara saxton
    3/7/2011 08:24:56 am

    my chacater was pearl and she was accused to be the demon child and she is very rebelious. but she brings comfort to hester.

    cara saxton
    3/7/2011 08:28:12 am

    The "A" is a symbol of adultery. The meaning of the "A" changes over time as the symbol of Hester's strength to overcome the obsticals set from her sin. Hester used her sewing abilities to help the town and therefore the town had respect for her.

    cara saxton
    3/7/2011 08:29:13 am

    I agree with your statement that Chillingworth makes life unbearable for most of the characters.

    cara saxtomn
    3/7/2011 08:30:07 am

    I agree!! This shows he was a good clean hearted man who didnt try to cause problems. He cared for everyone.

    kimberly carpenter.
    3/7/2011 09:03:14 am

    Question 1:

    I believe that the antagonist in the scarlet letter is Chillingworth. When he finds out what Hester has done, he immediately seeked revenge. He made Hester feel very guilty for her sin in committing adultery. He never lets Hester nor Dimmesdale live down their actions from the past.

    kimberly carpenter.
    3/7/2011 09:29:25 am

    My character is Hester Prynne. Hester dealt with so many challenges and struggles all throughtout the novel. She commtitted adultery and was placed on the scaffold for the entire puritan society to see. She was forced to wear the "A" for everyone to see her sin and see it as a constant reminder of what she had done.She had to deal with everyone judging her for her sinful actions. She did not let the puritans destroy her with it though. She was brave in these situations.

    kimberly carpenter
    3/7/2011 09:42:04 am

    The scarlet letter represents Adultery which Hester had committed. She was forced to wear the letter so she and others would be reminded of the sin she was living in. The meaning changes over time when it is said to also have the meaning "able".

    kimberly carpenter
    3/7/2011 09:44:59 am

    reply to cara question 1:

    I agree that chillingworth is the antagonist because he puts revenge on Hester and Dimmesdale.

    kimberly carpenter
    3/7/2011 09:47:29 am

    reply to emily question 3:
    I agree.
    I do agree that Hester gets stronger as she wear the letter and it could stand for admirable.

    Abbey Byrd
    3/7/2011 10:30:24 am

    Question 2

    Pearl was the child of Hester and Dimmesdale in The Scarlet Letter. Pearl is very mischievous throughout the novel. The townspeople at one point thought that Pearl was some sort of demon child because of her actions. The townspeople thought this because she has imaginary friends and she sings and dances. She is just an innocent child with an imagination and should not have been looked at any different because of her mom’s mistakes. Pearl is very playful and spontaneous. In Chapter 16, Hawthorne compares Pearl to the brook in the gloomy forest. This is implying that just like the brook is covered by the trees and forest and lives in its shadow, Pearl also live in a shadow of her mother and unknown father’s sin. Pearl seem sort of stand offish towards Dimmesdale then when he confessed in front of the townspeople on the scaffold Pearl gives him a kiss before he dies.

    Abbey Byrd
    3/7/2011 10:58:31 am

    Question 3

    The Scarlet Letter is suppose to signify shame but the just becomes the symbol of Hester's identity. The meaning of the letter changes throughout the book. The "A" first starts out as meaning adulterer. The town frowned upon the "A" and made it a constant reminder of the sin that was committed. Then changes to "A" for able because she helped the town and used her talent to make things for people. Hester tried to give back to the town by doing this. I think in the end though the "A" has symbolized shame but also how strong Hester is to have overcome everything she did.

    Abbey Byrd
    3/7/2011 11:16:12 am

    Reply to Ashley; Q2

    I agree with you about Hester. She was humiliated and still held her head high. Hester was very humble and she loved Pearl no matter what. She stood on the scaffold and seemed very strong and she never did fight back to the punishment she was given. She was also very passionate.

    Abbey Byrd
    3/7/2011 11:27:24 am

    Reply to Ashley: Q3

    I agree with you that the "A" signify's adultery in the novel. It does symbolize shame in the beginning then overtime changes to "A" for able. But towards the end it does show how strong she is and determined. She never give up and always keeps her head held high.

    Thomas Carota
    3/7/2011 11:35:54 am

    Question 1:

    The antagonist throughout the Scarlet Letter without a doubt is Roger Chillingworth. He is a sneaky character throughout the book. On page 83, it says, "So Roger Chillingworth-the man of skill, the kind and friendly physician-strove to go deep into the patient's bosom, delving among his principles, prying into his recollections, and probing everything with a cautious touch, like a treasure-seeker in a dark cavern." On page 83 and throughout Chapter 9, it goes into to great detail about how he tortures Dimmesdale to get the secret out of him. It says Chillingworth makes a deal with the devil, and he is on Earth in devil's form.

    Thomas Carota
    3/7/2011 11:43:01 am

    Question 2:

    With a name like Chillingworth, he had to be a sneaky man. After Hester was tried for adultery and she had to stand up on the scaffold, Chillingworth rolled in to town as "the physician." When Hester goes back to prison he pays her a visit to make a deal that she will not reveal his identity as her husband. She keeps her promise. As time goes on Dimmesdale becomes ill and Chillingworth is assigned to live with Mr. Dimmesdale in order to take care of him. After some time has past Chillingworth figures out that Dimmesdale has a big secret that he has not confessed. He plays mind games with Dimmesdale and emotionally tortures him in order to get the truth. In Chapter 9 it goes into great detail on how Chillingworth totured Dimmesdale and how he did it. Throughout the story we see Chillingworth as the devil. He is symbolized as the devil throughout the book, and the townspeople believe he has come on Earth in the form of the Devil. Chillingworth appears as the antagonist throughout the book because he makes everyone suffer and has no remorse for anybody he hurts along the way.

    Thomas Carota
    3/7/2011 11:59:48 am

    Question 3:

    The symbol "A" represents adulter in the Scarlet Letter. It was meant to be her punishment to wear it so that everybody would know what crime she has committed. It humiliated her and isolated her from the townspeople. In the 1st Chapter it goes into great detail how beautiful the embroidery on the letter was. Overtime the Letter "A" started to represent her strength for pushing forward and surviving through hard times. The townspeople started to repect her for raising Pearl all on her own. They even voted to allow her to take the Scarlet Letter of her bosom but she refused.

    Thomas Carota
    3/7/2011 12:07:19 pm

    Reply to Emily; Question 1

    I agree with you. Chillingworth is definitely the antagonist throughout the course of the story. In Chapter 9 it tells how he works and how he uses his skills as a physician to torture Dimmesdale by use of mind games in order to get the big secret out of him.

    Thomas Carota
    3/7/2011 12:13:52 pm

    Reply to Ryan; Question 2

    Yes, I agree with you completely. Dimmesdale goes through more suffering in his lifetime than anybody should. He gets emotionally tortured and goes through a hard time. You are exactly right when you said he has had a hard life. He was an exceptional man and should not have been punsished as bad as he had. He just wanted to run away with Hester and raise Pearl as a family.

    Thomas Carota
    3/7/2011 12:16:52 pm

    Reply to Ashley; Question 3

    I agree with you in saying that the letter "A" symbolizes the crime she has commited and how she has to pay for it as stated in Chapter 1. Overtime it does become a symbol of hope and strength as Hester has made it through hard times and showed strength as a single mother in a Puritan society.

    4/10/2011 01:33:03 pm

    Question 1: Throughout The Scarlet Letter Chillingworth causes inner turmoil for both Hester and Dimmesdale. Dimmersdale grows weaker and weaker as the novel progresses showing that Chillingworth's plan for revenenge is breaking him down. I think this confirms that Chillingworth is the antagonist because it shows that the good in Arthur is broken down by Chillingsworth's hate. In the ending when Dimmesdale plans to run away with Hester we learn that Dimmesdale is planning to board the same ship as them. Even when Arthur repents and trys to move on, Chillingworth holds him back.

    Question 2: Since Hester is the main character in the novel we follow her story and see her experience many situations and even emotional changes. It is obvious that the scarlet letter on her chest weighs her down and changes her as a person. Regardless of the physical letter, the guilt inside her plagues who she might have been otherwise. We see the enormous impact the letter has on Hester near the close of the novel when she speaks with Arthur in the woods. When she removes it an enormous weight is lifted away. The scarlet letter causes her to close herself away from the world. It even effects the way she dresses. She begins to cover most of her body, including her hair. Through Hester we see some good that has come from wearing the scarlet letter. It causes her to become more independent as well as give charity to those in the town who need it. Hester is alone, independent, a sinner, and a victim. We see her strength and weakness and the entirety of her life being controlled by the letter upon her chest. She can be related to because she is a sinner like all of us, but most of us hide the shame that is our sins while Hester wears it openly on her breast. She is a mother to Pearl where she finds loving and tough moments. We see the love in her heart toward Dimmesdale and the hate of Chillingworth. Hester's tale is mainly one of sadness, but the reader can find hope in the reality of truth.

    Question 3: The scarlet letter embodies Hester's entire life. It is her sin, her personality, her emotion, and her lifestyle. It represents the way she is treated and how she stands as a citizen. Overtime many of the towns people begin to forget the origin of the 'A'. They now interpret the meaning to 'Able' instead of 'Adulterer.' Even the harshest of sins can be forgotten with repentance and charity. I feel that the scarlet letter could stand for guilt because throughout the novel it guilts Hester AND Dimmesdale inside. It causes them to weaken and lose their true selves.


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