Honors English III
1.  When Huck realizes Jim is homesick, he claims, “I do believe he cared just as much for his people as white folks does for their’n.  It don’t seem natural, but I reckon it’s so.”  What does this tell you about Huck’s character?  How does this epiphany Huck is having bring us closer to Twain's questioning of the morality of slavery?

2.  How does Chapter 28 illustrate growth on Huck's part as a character?  Use examples as evidence.

3.  How does Twain use humor as a balance to the serious moral questions that are raised?  Use examples as evidence!  (there are a few from what we have read in the novel so far, so I expect different examples to be used!!)

1.  When Huck realizes Jim is homesick, he claims, “I do believe he cared just as much for his people as white folks does for their’n.  It don’t seem natural, but I reckon it’s so.”  What does this tell you about Huck’s character?  How does this epiphany Huck is having bring us closer to Twain's questioning of the morality of slavery?

2.  How does Chapter 28 illustrate growth on Huck's part as a character?  Use examples as evidence.

3.  How does Twain use humor as a balance to the serious moral questions that are raised?  Use examples as evidence!  (there are a few from what we have read in the novel so far, so I expect different examples to be used!!)

1.  When Huck realizes Jim is homesick, he claims, “I do believe he cared just as much for his people as white folks does for their’n.  It don’t seem natural, but I reckon it’s so.”  What does this tell you about Huck’s character?  How does this epiphany Huck is having bring us closer to Twain's questioning of the morality of slavery?

2.  How does Chapter 28 illustrate growth on Huck's part as a character?  Use examples as evidence.

3.  How does Twain use humor as a balance to the serious moral questions that are raised?  Use examples as evidence!  (there are a few from what we have read in the novel so far, so I expect different examples to be used!!)